I Stand Against Anne Applebaum and the other Atlantic kooks. What year is it (#549)?
Why settle for half when you can take it all?
New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg has a selective memory. What year is it (#548)?
You never know who’ll control it in the future.
Funding for NED is crucial for stability in Iran.
Washington Post Fresh.
No nursey school condoms in Maryland and MSM original sins.
Donald Trump's hilarious dressing down of Volodmyr Zelensky.
What’s left of the #Resistance doesn’t understand the new Trump machine.
There’s no reason to “hate” the media. What year is it (#542)?
Trump’s “kids” are shaking up Washington, but they haven’t scratched the surface. Why not withdraw from the United Nations?
Bingo cards and checking notes forever. What year is it (#540)?
Double-standards in the media damage innocent men and women.
From empire to mere regional hegemon—but with pride, so much pride.
Understanding the administration’s ethical principles.
Derek Chauvin never got a fair trial in both the courtroom and the media.
Universities, engulfed in existential and ethical crises.
Trump hates neocons yet decides to Make the Agenda “National Greatness” Again.
Reflections after a brief work interlude.
The media and Democrats can’t keep up with Trump.
Yet government budget cuts almost never happen, despite the shrieking.
The TrueAnon co-host talks to Friedland about current events and much more.
Documentary including interviews with participants in the case, along with Goetz' New Year's Eve 1984 confession tape.
The controversial political Twitch streamer talks to center-left podcast host Adam Friedland.
Kelly talks with Anna Khachiyan and Dasha Nekrasova about the reaction to last month's election and more.
The Majority Report host responds to Cenk Uygur's recent insults.
The Conservative pundit talks immigration, forgiving Trump, and worries about the hard right in this Comedy Cellar podcast.
Stewart goes over the many mistakes of the Democratic Party on The Daily Show.
Rogan explains why his open invitation to Kamala Harris for an interview hasn't been taken up by the campaign.
The two late media legends try to work out their differences in this September 25, 1991 episode.