The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has expressed disgust with Kent State University's new live mascot "Flash," a rescued golden eagle contracted to the university for use at sporting events. Daniel Hauff, animals in entertainment specialist for PETA, said the organization is trying to set an example for universities nationwide, asking that they "please don't use live animals as mascots." "Use a costumed mascot," Hauff said. "Human mascots are more versatile than live animals." Kent State partnered with the non-profit animal rescue and rehabilitation center Back To The Wild, located in Castalia, Ohio, to bring the eagle to the university.
On March 21, Hauff wrote a letter to President Lester Lefton and the Kent State Board of Trustees, a letter urging the university to "implement a policy prohibiting the use of live animals at all university events." "Forcing a wild bird into a gymnasium is terrorizing to the animal," Hauff said. "It is totally unnatural for the bird."
PETA Is Upset... Again...
PETA recently concentrated their efforts on "Flash," the Kent State eagle mascot which they believe was being "terrorized" by being caged in a gym during basketball games. On a side note, the Carolina Panthers' mascot, Sir Purr, was recently placed on the endangered species list.

Photo by tom.k