Controlled anarchy is a myth invented by those who master the narrative. There are so many unreal things piled high with subterfuge and propaganda that it’s hard to discern the meat from the bone of the matter. It’s a jumbled mush of inaccurate information and lies; the only reason is that people follow other people’s beliefs at face value. Never questioning the validity or source of one’s personal knowledge if they possess it. Even if they don’t know what they’re talking about, they act like they’re on to something. It’s akin to knowing what’s happening in real time, not knowing, as opposed to what happens without reason and isn’t known.
It’s mind-numbing to think about how much we take for granted, accepting it as true instead of alternative facts, innuendo, and speculation. Truth like beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. It’s where dreams become real and the real turns into glitchy simulation, hallucinating facts from fiction and science from fairy tales to bizarre make-believe. Add religion to the equation, and you have a facsimile of modern society. Ready-made for consumer consumption in the unconscious public mind of manipulative self-delusion. A convenient brainwash for the masses. So easily distracted and led astray.
The extreme right-wing lunatics versus the ultraconservative right-wing Christian nut jobs. Taking sides with one or neither. Rejecting the truth from both. We are all insane in this jumbled mess. There’s a madness percolating in the brain of every human. Just under the surface lies a mysterious body of artificial evidence. We’re creatures of habit. Not to say the routine is stale, but the everyday world is wacky in ways that could never make sense in the sterile ideal analytical world. The stage is always set for the greatest show on earth. Nobody can know precisely what goes on backstage when the curtains are down and the lights are off. It’s uneducated guessing on the audience. It’s in the grand design.
Every atom and cell is transforming like a thief in the night. Slinking stealthily into the shadows, where light disappears and darkness begins its distant descent. A barren landscape where evolution of the soul meets itself in the fun house mirror. It’s a distorted vision that has no place at this moment, called the real. Your heaven is my hell. Your hell is exclusively yours. You can’t change the subject midway. There are no happy conclusions. Either way, we’re screwed. That’s part of the plan. There’s no plan. There’s no middle ground, halfway between opposites attacking each other’s interests. That’s the way they like it. Sworn enemies have limits on how much influence they project, moving forward to a more perfect union of fantasy and unreality. Surely opposites attract more than unity divides. The people who flock together under the banner of misguided patriotic nationalism are delusional. That’s how they like it in civilized societies.
Hatred has always existed in America and most other countries, but we ignore it. We discovered, milling about on the wrong side of history. Something’s got to give. The whole thing’s going to blow up and burn down. Sooner than later, someone else will pay a hefty price for the damage done to freedom. Will it be us, or them? We are them. Those who hate and those who are hated simply because of their sexual preference or color of their skin. How much or little money they have or what kind of car they drive. Maybe you don’t believe in God or Jesus.
Somebody’s going to gum up the works. The problem doesn’t go away; it’s hidden in the fine print. Nobody reads the small print. If they had to read it, they wouldn’t like it. It doesn’t matter to me. I’ll be dead sooner than later. I won’t sign any papers. History is custom-made for winners. To the winners go the spoils. To the victims, a swift kick in the pants. Nobody wins the battle for life or death.
Players in the void of a loveless game called, pay the piper. Facts are undisputed truths. A simple fact diminished by the lack of love or logic. The time for unjust kings is over. They won’t lay down without a fight. There’s no escaping this truth. We’re suffering from a malady of the future unfolding in hideous new ways. The plague of our days and the ire of idiots who stand in the way of freedom. The overlords of evil empires shall perish along with the rest of humanity. Is that real enough for everybody?