
Pop Culture
Jan 31, 2023, 06:28AM

Next Friday at 10

A 2009 Vulture interview with the late actor/photographer Dennis Hopper vs. a 2015 Fresh Air interview with poet/professor Mary Karr.

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Dennis Hopper: I don’t know what the difference would be between working for the Pope or working for a rabbi, or working for a Wall Street bank or a TV commercial.

Mary Karr: So stupid, isn’t it? I just wouldn't ever talk about that.

Hopper: I think, in the end, it’s how you’re perceived, I guess.

Karr: You know, other people are not my problem.

Hopper: They approached me.


Karr: They're not where you think they're going to be.

Hopper: It was obvious who they were to me. All I can say is that I have financing.

Karr: (Laughter) Everybody in the town knew about that.

Hopper: That hasn’t stopped me from doing commercials. I haven’t changed much.

Karr: I hope so.


Hopper: Oh, really?

Karr: Yeah. And I prayed about it.

Hopper: I did that for a long time. He’s wonderful.

Karr: He could make this person blonde instead of brunette.

Hopper: Next Friday at 10 o’clock. To me, it’s like the difference between developing something in chemical or being able to spray the light.


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