
Pop Culture
May 19, 2021, 06:27AM

Grodin Eternal

He was a cad in surf and a con artist in snow; he was a caricature from New York to Miami, and the best New Yorker in Minnesota.

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He was a cad in surf and a con artist in snow; he was a caricature from New York to Miami, and the best New Yorker in Minnesota; he was Lenny Cantrow in The Heartbreak Kid.

He was a critic in Burbank and a curmudgeon in Studio 6B; he was a complainer to Johnny Carson and a character on the couch of The Tonight Show; he was George Maitlin in The Couch Trip.

He was a courtier in the company of men and a company man till the end; he was a chamberlain with the spine of Chamberlain; he was Tony Abbott in Heaven Can Wait.

He was a collaborator in a white jacket and a courier to cultists with black hearts; he was Dr. Hill in Rosemary’s Baby.

He was a crook in London and a cheat throughout England; he was Nicky Holiday in The Great Muppet Caper.

He was Charles Grodin with more classics than a survey course on Zoom, including Midnight Run, Seems Like Old Times, So I Married an Axe Murderer, Real Life, Dave, and the modern remake of King Kong.

His legacy is a series of first-class performances on TV and in film.


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