
Pop Culture
May 09, 2024, 06:28AM

Depends On How Far Out You Wanna Go

A 2013 Arthur Magazine interview with musician Matt Valentine vs. a 2013 Forced Exposure interview with actress Asia Argento.

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Matt Valentine: That was a big group, usually four or five strong minimum, so we never made it to Europe.

Asia Argento: But easy come and easy go, so that was the only thing that was stolen, broken, whatever.

Valentine: At first, yeah. You’d get weird people you didn’t even know were there.

Argento: I'm all about that and I laugh all day every day with very few people who have the same sense of humor.

Valentine: You said something like, “Depends on how far out you wanna go.” (Laughs.)


Argento: It’s a pretty good way to manipulate young egg-shell minds.

Valentine: Weird things would happen that weren’t in tune with our sensibility.

Argento: I don't know about you but I throw them around like Frisbees. (Laughing)

Valentine: Yeah. We were pretty blasted.

Argento: Which is very gangster.


Valentine: So nothing really changed that much. I think it happened a little quick for all of us.

Argento: It’s a little scar I carry in my heart, but it's tiny.

Valentine: That was in an equally bombed-out part of town, but a little more remote.

Argento: But in 10 years, maybe a 20-year-old guy in Egypt or Turkey will find this and it may open doors for them because I know there is purity of intent always, and it might touch some people.

Valentine: Well, who was really there?


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