
Pop Culture
Jan 23, 2016, 11:25AM

Are You Fucking Kidding?

A 1976 Playboy interview with the late musician David Bowie vs. a 2014 Noisey interview with actor/musician John C. Reilly.

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David Bowie: I spewed myself up.

John C. Reilly: I was just kind of paralyzed with fear. It was pretty cool.

Bowie: That, in itself, seemed a danger to some people.

Reilly: Well, you feel old when you don’t do Instagram. What’s my job going to be?

Bowie: A raving nut, a flower child or a dictator, some kind of reverend – I don’t know.


Reilly: And then I’d just walk around with this portable cassette player and I’d just play the tape, obsessively listening to it over and over, to the point where I had every little grunt and half-word memorized.

Bowie: All you had to do was sew a button on or stitch a sleeve.

Reilly: [Laughs] Are you fucking kidding?

Bowie: No, no, no. Not at all.


Reilly: Your childhood sanctuary has been taken over by barbarians.

Bowie: People aren’t very bright, you know. Elizabeth Taylor told me that once.

Reilly: Someone found them at the second hand store for piano rolls or whatever.

Bowie: Think of it, an empty screen that people could stare at for an hour and a half and not actually see anything but leave with an entire experience in their heads.

Reilly: I was too young for it, but I was into it.


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