
Politics & Media
Jun 12, 2008, 01:05PM

We're Not Post-Racial Yet

Barack Obama's successful nomination is a tremendous sign of progress in our nation's long struggle to overcome racial divisions, but it's hardly the end of the road. This columnist traces an arc that started during the civil rights movement while looking forward to the problems that still remain.

Obama's nomination should not give us a false sense of hope that we have arrived in an America free of racial division.

Instead, Obama's nomination should be viewed as a sign that racial divisions are receding and should be counted as a great victory for blacks.

The rise of Obama to presidential nominee is a great achievement; however, limiting the observance of this achievement to only black Americans detracts from the true significance of this event.

We as individual races do not walk alone. Our existences are intertwined.

Just as Bill Clinton could not have been elected without the support of blacks, Obama could not have secured his party's nomination without the support of white voters, and while this event marks a victory for blacks, it also marks a great step forward for the U.S. regardless of political allegiance.

The first black presidential nominee could only attain such a notable position in an America that had made great strides since the tumultuous 1960s.

These strides were not limited to the black community - although I hate making that distinction. The American community made great strides as well.

  • I don't think anyone who has seen the videos from the WVA, IN and PA primaries thinks "we have arrived in an America free of racial division."

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