
Jul 28, 2008, 09:55AM

Exploring Abouretum With Dave Heumann

Dave Heumann of Baltimore band Abouretum has been updating the Led Zeppelin musical aesthetic for the new millenium. So it shouldn't come as a surprise when he wishes he could dress up like a crazed Klaus Kinski and toss a sword around. More is revealed from the recent John Cale cover artist in this chat with Aural States.

3. Describe your feelings on Baltimore and what it means to you?

Oh, umm…it’s a nice town. It’s a nice place….not too expensive, not very pretentious. The not very expensive aspect helps.

4. Come up with a snappy tagline/mantra/motto for one or more of the following: Baltimore, Wham City and Whartscape.

Ok. Umm…”Baltimore: a pretty good place to live”. How about that? That’s what they should say on the park benches.

And it’s not the greatest city in America. You could have New York or San Francisco competing for that. Great also implies bigness, and we don’t really have bigness here…not that big. People try to talk about Louisville—I saw a Louisville t-shirt that said, “Louisville: The Greatest City in America.”

It’s also a pretty good place to live, but it’s not the greatest city in America.

5. If all Whartscape performers were required to don some sort of costumage, in the spirit of Baltimore, Whartscape and Wham City, what would yours be and why?

A costume? What kind of costume would I have? I would dress as Klaus Kinski in Aguirre: The Wrath of God. I don’t know why. I just think he looks bad-ass, and really intense in that Klaus Kinski way. And you get to have a sword.


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