Cultural enrichment can be free or low-cost, especially if you look beyond “blockbusters.” Today, there is more enlightening material available more widely than ever in human history. From highbrow to lowbrow, and everything in between, there is an explosion of expression… more than any one person could digest in a lifetime.
Now is the time to explore that long tail of cultural production other than the biggest and latest thing.
From Project Gutenberg’s electronic editions of classic literature to historic music performances on YouTube, the most enduring works of our culture are suddenly the most accessible. The Library of Congress has been steadily digitizing its treasures of American history, music, and culture… it’s all free at the American Memory website.
For more contemporary fare, there is a flowering of creativity and energy to be found in podcasts, online video, ebooks, blogs, etc. The only problem is how to start drinking-in this ocean of expression.