Mallet ringer, washroom ginger, plumbers
unlock lovers from their lockets. Oops!
Rubberneckers rave at accident people:
that’s a Mess of People Accident. Oops!
Upfront vehicle domino clack: honk & connect
from afar: pull forward. Speed the Trance?
Speed the Speed. & if she’s the one behind,
cabrón, we’re the one who held her
there. Momentum shoots wherever, cousin,
Percussion claims the gaseous wave
acoustic others push dead air
sounds mitigate this
Toilet Finger wants
that its probe smokes out
which vehicle transfers
redolence out
which digit relays
signal to commons
from a list or the Listless
or those craving Listedness
(plumbed in the commons
disconnected from grid
when it comes into that
or turns into that
& to that)
Insurgente wants
that his grace notes be labeled
into “Problem” “Answer” “Landscape”
so as not to not qualify
not to not parse
& neither warp credentials
nor embellish their skid marks
nor lengthen them down to
the not-funny porcelain channel
O Mongers! please forgive us
for we know not what we void
if no outflow no input
to its safe-house we halve
& “think to take you with us?”
& “thank us for our service?”