I’ve heard that tired taunt “Speak English or go back from where you came” more than I care to. Still hearing it loud and clear and in your face. It’s the difference between being wrong or right and at the same time not feeling, being, doing, or saying anything about it. It’s the total package of pointless insults tinged with sarcasm, bigotry, harassment, verbal abuse, and misogyny. A man’s club in a nutshell of countrywide false egg shortages. A national security championship in amnesia. My apologies to all you feckless idiots, but your artificial intelligence is showing. In this simulation, tag team bully squads deflect and genuflect to the wall they built for the fearless golden god's old age retirement party. A place where they go home again. As long as it’s not here. Not in my area of expertise. Never in my backyard. Next-door neighbors are going crazy.
You know the routine. Old-timers will remember the love-it-or-leave-it sentiments during the Vietnam War. The same kind of people are trying to destroy the world once again by using their hatred towards anyone who isn’t like them. You know the type. Ignorant people who believe it’s their god-given right to attack immigrants because they’re not from around here. You should know better, America. For their worst instincts, every part of their soulless lives is lacking—the most classless, clueless character assassins in the short history of humankind. It’s the the mentality of inbred morons. It’s always been that way. The selective discrimination against minorities, women, and immigrants through fear and intimidation.
America’s a country of immigrants. It’s not an exclusive country club for rich white Anglo-Saxon men. Their anger comes easily. Fear’s their preferred currency for tyranny. The crossroads where power corrupts completely. It’s the ultimate threat and only goal of all dictatorships. Attempting to control and destroy anyone who stand in its path. Slicing the world into big chunks for them to conquer, lord over and manipulate. Back when the only good Indian was a dead one. When there was a law for you and a law for me, and the law of a rope hanging from a tree. The lynch mob mindset of “whites only” here in this country has become so toxic, we the people have become helpless, hapless pawns. The words coming out of hollow-heads paying through the nose while hanging by the skin of our teeth. They can’t believe it could never happen again. A shred of decency isn’t enough to stop them. The immigrants come in waves across the oceans, crossing imaginary borders from all over the world to make their home in America and to live free from tyrannical regimes. Not anymore.
It’s a reality to wake up and realize how quickly it can all vanish. Our freedoms are quickly being stripped away, taken by hateful, angry little men who don’t care a whit about us. Their greed compounds their lust for control over your life, your world, even your body, which is up for grabs. They kiss the ring and lick the boot while taking care of themselves. Divide and conquer is the preferred method of lunatic dictators. Their first order of business as leaders is for their own personal gain.. Domination at any cost, as long as they don’t have to pay for it. It’s sadomasochism at its finest. A sinister bondage to the embarrassment of riches. Is this the best they can do? Who’d want to live in a country like this?
It was always this way. A country built on a rocky foundation of lies and deception. The indigenous peoples and the African nations. The Muslims and Jews of forever wars, the Asians, Latinos, and anyone else that they care to hate. The blood money was flowing, but it’s never enough for those porcine politicians, bankers, lawyers, Christian soldiers, and warmongers to feed at the bottomless trough of corruption. The free world laughs in our faces. Once again, at the brink of doomsday’s doorstep. They hear you knocking on the doors, but nobody’s home. Petty little vindictive men whose arrogance surpasses their ignorance. You must bow down to their evil masters. But when they’re called out for their crimes and misdeeds, they play the blame game. It’s never their fault.