
May 28, 2024, 06:24AM

The Old Switcheroo

Lies, tricks, and charades.

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The best-laid plans of rats and cowards. Those old-fashioned tactics of bait and switch plus the art of deception and distraction coupled with the pea hidden under a walnut shell, three-card monte, or any other illusions to amuse and confuse. Think of a used car salesman running for president and performing cheap magic tricks. And a lame comedy act. They comprise the worst of all possible worlds in today’s tragic American mindscape. There's no true magic to it. Surely it could all be in your head or a trick of light playing on your not-so-good eyes. Similarly, belief in an almighty power some call God is an example of the power of illusion. Most are prone to believing what they see, hear, and feel, even when it’s tawdry, cheap, and completely phony. It feels dirty and just looks bad. Just ask any preacher, politician or pervert.

Another example is the term “fake news” and the perpetual propaganda of the modern-day political “witch hunt.” A rank simulation of reality. The world appears more photoshopped, convoluted, and contrived than ever. Move on. There’s nothing to gawk at around here; go on home for the safety and security of your house and family. Teach your kids to fear gods and demons and become the younger version of you. Those little monsters. It’s the way our forefathers planned it and how our brains perceive all the ways things are supposed to be. Not necessarily the way they are. The idea of freedom isn’t just a half-ass concept. The illusion of slavery is disguised as freedom. A cog in the wheel of progress. What lies beneath the heavens and above the subterranean underworld? The earth as it is, was, and shall be. To dwell between the light while hiding in the shadows of darkness. More cheap-ass trickery.

The usual belief maintains that freedom is attained through liberty and justice, while in pursuit of happiness, one gets lost along the great American way again, abandoning the possibility of hope, much less the concept of greatness. Whatever the hell that means, another tired cliché. Silly words to live by in a society so fragmented that no human glue of bloody goo can bond us together. It’s broken down to basic principles: in the process, always under construction, without control mechanism or confounded context. The sperm and egg of a country breakfast.

Hidden meanings and different distractions only add to the confusion of everyday life. Delayed reactions take time to grasp. Don’t blink; you’ll miss it. Reality fades away. That potent opiate is the result of too much information. Too many people abide by archaic laws and thoughtless regulations that dictate how one should live and act. Or react. Get numb and dumb down, baby! It’s never too late to be stupid and follow the herd off a cliff.

It’s only proper to acknowledge the bamboozle we’re taught early in our indoctrination education. How everything is supposed to work seamlessly in a sordid semi-normal life. The problem is that nothing was ever normal. What’s believed to be true isn’t really known. The nonsense of life always gets in the way of living. It’s not what you know or who you choose to ensure your safety and station in life. But it works out that way. Get in line. It’s high time to learn the meaning behind this life. It’s not about your happiness. Your lot in the charade is more than a matter of status in a tightly-wound community of nit-witted bobble heads who mindlessly shake their heads up and down.

The yes-men of the world-class Ass Kisser Association of worldwide bootlickers. Stand crouched down in front of your gods, naked, afraid, and alone in a fun house mirror darkly. Kneel down to your golden age gods of idiocy. Searching for a clue. A sign that you exist. As real as life gets. Spending your time and money on eternal youth. The biggest scam of our time. You look marvelous in this slowly decaying orbit with your fashion skin suit. The accoutrements of the biggest trick in the universe’s history. Humankind is so fragile, yet somehow we endure the never-ending torture.

The greatest trick is waking up one morning only to discover you’re no longer young anymore. The sweet bird of youth has flown the coop. Just look off into the near distance. It was always there. The most stupendous trick of all time. 


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