
Sep 09, 2008, 05:52AM

JK Rowling To Make More Money

JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series and worth over $1 billion, won her lawsuit against RDR books. The company planned to publish a complete Harry Potter guide written by Steve Vander Ark, who mans the helm of a huge Harry Potter fan-nut site, Harry Potter Lexicon (except that the site looks borderline shutdown, now). The judge ruled that "the unauthorised guide would cause her irreparable harm as a writer." How that would happen is anyone's guess.

Rowling filed a lawsuit against RDR Books, a Michigan-based company, last year over the Harry Potter Lexicon on the grounds that it lifted huge portions of her stories without adding any original thought or interpretation. She called the project "wholesale theft of 17 years of my hard work".


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