
Sep 23, 2008, 11:06AM

Dear Reader: Don't Ever Do This

It doesn't matter how many times your significant other slept with your friend(s). Or if that lovely date never called you back. Giving your ex crabs is not, under any circumstances, acceptable.

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Packages range from a single colony for $99 to a shampoo-resistant colony for $298.
Each package comes with the colony of crabs, a detailed instruction sheet on the best way to pass the crabs on and bottle of anti-crab shampoo in case of accidental “self-crabbifying.”

The creators of revengecrabs.com prefer to remain anonymous, but on the Web site they describe themselves as a “collection of professional guys who all attend a well-known university in the northeast.”

One of the creators was seeing a girl that kept him itching for less, not more, because she infected him with crabs.

Before he could get a dollop of ointment onto his “pubis of greatest inflammatoirarius” two of his brothers found themselves “in the same final throes of prickly screaming chigger nibbling,” according to the Web site.
The boys vowed two things that day: “bros before hoes,” and if they had to have the crabs, then all them “biznatches” should have a couple of waves of crabs, too.


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