
May 15, 2009, 12:23PM

Another year, another Pride Week, another round of lube wrestling

Oregon State University gets down and dirty.

"You know the slime that you see in movies?" said Brittany Duffy-Goche, co-director of the Pride Week planning committee. "It's basically that."
It may sound simple, but anyone brave enough to try admitted that it was not as easy as it looked.
"[It was] probably not a good idea to do it only an hour after I gave blood, but it was fun, very slippery," said Josh Gardener, who was on his way from the Red Cross Blood Drive when he decided to participate.
"Pride Week always has the best events. They're not afraid to get crazy," said senior Ashley Jarrett. "The campus enjoys it."
Passers-by gave in to their curiosity as they walked through the busy area to witness the flying slime.
"I had to stop by the MU. Now I'm on my way to work," said Eric Betts, a graduate student in computer science.
"I figured it would be a good place to stop and kill some time."
After the Lube Olympics came drag racing, but not the kind most people would think of.
This kind of drag racing consisted of two participants being given one minute to dress themselves and put on make-up.
Then participants would run around an obstacle course with a water-filled condom before ending at the graffiti wall to create whatever masterpiece they could in one minute.

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