It all started guiltily enough.
It was one of those warm winter Saturday afternoons and my girlfriend,
Emily, told me she was going to go for a pedicure, eyebrow waxing and
lunch with her rich Uncle Bill at the Russian Tea Room. I was looking
at four or five hours of alone time in the apartment at least. And that
meant plenty of opportunity for some private, one-on-one fun.
You know what I’m talking about.
Yes, we all keep our senses attuned to the perfect moment for
masturbation. The shower’s great and all, but most of us like a little
room to move around in, and some freedom to inspire ourselves with
something a bit more tangible than memories of our first college
threesome. I, for one, am fond of this thing they call the Internet;
others opt for magazines or movies. Either way, there’s a lot to be
said for privacy and the chance to let loose a little.
Or is there? I was about to learn otherwise.
A Little Me-Time
Ever dream of the day when your girlfriend walks in on you masturbating, then joins you with a sex toy, and then you could write all about it in a major city's weekly paper? Then Caleb Jenner of the New York Press is living your dream.