
Pop Culture
Dec 15, 2008, 06:01AM

Yup, 10 days til Christmas

Which means we'll be digging up some of the more absurd holiday pap from years past (and not so past). Below, Bing Crosby and David Bowie duet on "Little Drummer Boy."

The following video was included in this article:
  • Bowie & Bing on "Little Drummer Boy" is hardly "absurd holiday pap." In fact, not only is it a great rendition of a classic, but evidence of why Bowie was so vital a generation ago, taking chances like this, and making it work.

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  • Many apologies for lumping Bowie in with the rest of the pap. He's a good guy, no doubt, and as "Little Drummer Boy" renditions go, this is solid — at least, as solid as a rendition of "Little Drummer Boy" can be.

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