
Pop Culture
Mar 30, 2009, 08:58AM

Turning the critical eye on Jesus

Sometimes art needs to be explained to the masses.

Jesusdrugs.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1

Like so:


11. I'm confused as to the meaning of this painting, but I have some ideas. You can help me sort them out by voting on an explanatory caption. Which do you prefer?

A) Jesus took the punishment for sinners on the cross. This includes contemporary drug users, and it looks like it hurt.

B) Jesus identified with the least of these, so when a druggie finds a vein, he has injected the Lord himself with smack.

C) Jesus is with you always, even if you do hard drugs. He's so close, sometimes you don't even know whose arm to poke.

D) What started as an innocent piggyback ride turned deadly when, suddenly, Vinnie sat down next to the skull and pulled out his heroin kit.


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