
Pop Culture
Jul 23, 2008, 11:22AM

Honey, Please Pass The Jumbo Liquid Butter Topping

If you're trying to shed pounds for the rest of the summer, you'll want to stay away from more than just chocolate and chips. According to this article the average married person gains more weight than their single counterparts. Here are the reasons why.

You may have heard of the freshman 15-those inevitable pounds college students are likely to gain in their first year. But what about the newlywed 30? In a recent University of North Carolina study, which tracked 1,200 couples over a five-year period, married people gained six to nine pounds more than their single counterparts. Why does marriage lead to weight gain? Read on as we reveal the top four reasons.

1. The Honeymoon Period. In the time surrounding a wedding, many couples are engaged in an endless eating-and-drinking bacchanal.

2. The Company You Keep. If your friends and family members are obese, the likelihood that you will become overweight as well is rather high.

3. Pregnancy. According to the American Pregnancy Association, a woman can expect to gain an average of 25 to 40 pounds before giving birth.

4. Complacency. It's the biological imperative in action: When you're single, you'll do everything you can to attract the opposite sex.


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