I headed for the door. I asked Marsha the bookstore owner to tell the
students to meet in the park after they finished. She flashed me a
curious look, as what I really said was
"Mettledeparkwhenrstudentsrdun-geddinbooks." Somehow she understood
"park," "done" and "books," which were the key words.
As I passed the register, Marsha asked me a question. I could not
answer, as it sounded like she asked it in a foreign language. Keep going, don't hit anyone, and don't knock over anything, just focus and keep going.
I had once tripped over a dead seal on the beach in Santa Barbara
during a college acid experience; it had put me in such a bad mood that
I'd spent the next two hours curled in a ball, rocking back and forth
Field trip
A high-school teacher recounts getting dosed by one of his students. It involves a book store, flowers and The Lorax.