
Pop Culture
Jul 25, 2008, 10:21AM

Art On The Go

Ever been out on the town jonesing for some handmade art? Now you can get your fix. Props to Whorange for showing us Art-o-mat, a company that takes old vintage cigarette machines and rejiggers them to sell small pieces of artwork.

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art-o-mat machines are vintage cigarette vending machines which have been converted to dispense original artworks from sculptures to jewelry to pocket sized paintings.  400 international artists are involved in the art-o-mat project and there are 82 active machines in various locations throughout the country.

satisfy your cravings with the pull of a knob.  price tag:  5 bucks.

to find an art-o-mat machine near you, click here.

and to jump start your habit, here is a small sampling art-o-mat's available artworks...


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