
Politics & Media
Mar 14, 2025, 06:25AM

This Is Creative Destruction

The media and Democrats can’t keep up with Trump.

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Anti-MAGA voices, people who despise President Trump, quip, “A majority of voters wanted a bull in the china shop; they didn’t realize that they’d be the china.” Democrats are howling. Every legacy media take is focused on damaging cuts, reductions, mass layoffs, mass deportations. Not even two months in and Trump’s second term is called a failure.

It’s okay. The right never gave Biden a chance. In retrospect, he didn’t deserve one. But the left is wrong about what voters wanted.

A majority of Americans wanted a vindicator on trade policy, a new sheriff on immigration, a new warden on crime and punishment, and an aggressive surgeon to remove the federal government bloat. A dealmaker, not warmaker, on global conflict. Trump and his team are moving fast on these fronts. The lawfare against his executive orders are coming fast, but Trump can look every person who voted for him in the eye and say, “I’m trying.”

Some conspiracy-minded left-wingers are worried about the wrong thing—that old chestnut about how Trump won’t yield office in 2028. That he’ll seek to change the Constitution to allow for a third—or unlimited number of—terms. Bosh. Mara-a-Lago, golf, and a much-earned retirement from politics awaits Trump. They should worry about J.D. Vance, Kristi Noem, and Donald Trump Jr—especially if the childish Democratic display at the recent Congressional speech is any indication of what they plan to bring to the field.

Since Ronald Reagan’s ascendance to the oval office (and before) there’s been talk about downsizing the federal government. Nothing was ever effectively done about it, to the point that the federal bureaucracy stands now as the undesignated fourth branch of the national government. Mayor Guiliani took a bite out of crime in the Big Apple; now, criminals in social justice-obsessed blue metropolises evade justice, emboldened by public safety blight. Biden/Harris oversaw an immigrant invasion of this nation, which included thousands of criminals and potential terrorists, and pulled the plug on American energy production, foreign aggressors—Putin—and terrorist organizations sensed weakness, and acted upon nefarious designs in Ukraine and Gaza.

What the media and Democrats aren’t including in their doomsaying reports is how angry this all made Richard Nixon’s still-extant “silent majority.” The death and destruction fomented by policies intended to remake America into some perverted Noam Chomsky dystopia is the brand of the Democrats, and no amount of sob stories about laid-off transexual mice researchers or IRS tax collectors will elicit the slightest change of heart.

A left-leaning friend, seeking to ameliorate tensions with a MAGA companion, might say, “Well, I’m sure there are some things Trump is doing that you don’t approve of, that you can’t have imagined he would do. You can’t be blamed for that.”

To which the reply is, “Thank you, I hope we can remain friends, but no, there’s nothing he has done or is doing that I disapprove of.”

Because the second hand is moving on the doomsday clock, America’s in danger of economic default, and our culture and stature as the greatest country on earth is imperiled.

You’re not going to fix that with Reaganite admonitions.


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