In addition to their intrinsic value - to express, inspire, console and
delight - the arts have much to contribute to the nation's top
priorities. Many studies document the economic impact of arts centers
on their local economies. Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, for instance, stimulates the entire region's
economy to the tune of about $1.5 billion a year. An arts component to
the federal recovery package could create good jobs - not just for
artists but also for workers in construction, operations, hospitality
and information technology.
The arts also can work hand in hand
with national security. Targeted cultural diplomacy, such as tours of
American performers abroad through the U.S. Agency for International
Development, could help us win friends worldwide. National security
know-how and funding can help shield cultural facilities at home from
terrorist attacks.
Arts-friendly policies need not be
expensive. The federal government could follow the example of
enlightened states and municipalities that use dedicated revenue
streams to fund cultural programs. Forty communities nationwide
dedicate a portion of hotel/motel taxes to arts and cultural programs,
acknowledging that cultural activity attracts tourism. Florida dedicates a portion of its budget from corporate filing fees to the state's Cultural Affairs Division. California dedicates the extra revenue collected for arts-related specialty license plates. Alabama provides for voluntary contributions to the arts through an income tax checkoff.
Obama and the arts
While there are very pressing matters for the President-elect to focus on, the progress of arts and culture should not fall by the wayside.