
Politics & Media
Oct 15, 2024, 06:28AM

Make America Stupid Again

Nine out of 10 men are pigs.

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Watching American presidents, babbling, as they marched through my lifetime is still repulsive. The earliest memory was watching President Dwight Eisenhower on the big square wooden box television with the space-age rabbit ear antenna with aluminum foil flags on the tips. His bulbous bald head was mutating, undulating in black and white. The world was gray then. He talked in a high-pitched nasal voice like Mickey Mouse and looked like a drunken Martian at a martini lunch. He gave a speech about wars and rumors of war, pontificating on the communist threat, no doubt, but I was five years old. I didn’t know nothin’ about commies, Democrats, or Republicans. He scared me. I didn’t know it then, but it was the beginning of an extensive parade of cretinous idiots who somehow managed to become U.S. presidents. Making America Stupid Again.

I repeat this story because it needs retelling for those who weren’t born yet or heard it before but forgot. I tend to repeat myself often. Like a drunk at the local watering hole, muttering the same old tired story like a broken record skipping. Much like the so-familiar shared history of our country, never learning a damned lesson from the past. The retort, the repeating of our country’s history rewritten for the fickle tastes of the public palate. Presidents come and go, the only thing they share is that they’re weird old white dudes. The never-ending cycle of miscreant leaders for the greatest country in the free world. Look where they came from in the first place. Geesh! A shameful and disgusting procession of the founding fathers consisted exclusively of clueless, self-righteous, arrogant privileged white men of privilege. That is, until Barack Obama showed up to the party uninvited, stirring the poop pot. They’ve always been here. Nothing personal, it’s just business or politics. Same thing.

A nation of bigots, racists, and misogynistic megalomaniacs. In a poorly-lit room, even Obama could pass as white. If you don’t believe me, ask any indigenous peoples. They know something about skin color. Richard Nixon was a Boy Scout compared to Ronald Reagan, the Bush’s, and Trump. The biggest evil baby in the history of our nation. Frankenstein’s monsters created by the cult of celebrity. I will litigate! Or reanimate from the grave of the American wasteland. MAGA is a quack cult whose many members believe Trump is the second coming of Christ. The separation of church and state, my ass. Can you believe that crap?

Reinventing our position to suit the times. Presidents are the father figures of the great white race, hence the founding fathers overlords of the rabble and ruin. And at times, they’re always changing yet strangely stay the same. Forever wars, poverty, and hatred for each other’s common enemies, as in anyone who isn’t part of the vast white dystopia.

I grew up quickly with the kids at school and lived fast and carefree around the neighborhood; there was no animosity. We had a mistrust for all authorities, including priests, teachers, doctors, lawyers, and big offenders like the police and politicians. And the government at large was an unbelievably bad example of what running a country should be about for and by the people. We were part of the great failed experiment in the leaky melting pot of the American Dream. People of color were never allowed to be part of our dreamy experience unless they were serving us.

Whether it’s skin color, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs, there are no exceptions or substitutes. It’s a simulated reality of the rich manipulated by puppet masters. White makes might because it’s right and if you don’t like it then you got a fight. It’s against your imaginary rights. A poor excuse for a free country. This is what they fear. That good old-fashioned go back where you came from sentimental tripe and speak English god dammit! That John Wayne, Ronald Reagan crap. Nine out of 10 men are pigs. Whether its sex addicts, perverts, rapists, greedy, selfish bullies, confirmed racists, or porcine politicians. Don’t underestimate the power of stupidity. It’s about damn time a woman takes charge.


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