
Politics & Media
Jul 06, 2023, 05:53AM

MAGA’s Dark Night of the Soul

It’s the forces and methods arrayed against Trump that wheedle and needle at their hopes.

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In that realm Saint John of the Cross called “the dark night of the soul” Trump supporters experience a moment of doubt. Not about Trump, for they long that his leadership might return to the Oval Office. It’s the forces and methods arrayed against Trump that wheedle and needle at their hopes. For all the surface optimism about rally head counts and favorable polling vs.Biden, they know that a giant and powerful apparatus is working relentlessly to quash his chances.

No matter how good the pro-Trump conservative news analysis looks, with some in that pundit class already proclaiming Biden/Harris are done, a persistent voice in the MAGA psyche whispers, “They will never let him get in again.” No matter how confidently Trump’s troops project their surety about the upcoming election, they’re afraid that the levers of influence and machination in the Democratic Party, the Deep State, and the media will weigh decisively against the triumphant return of the candidate who speaks for them.

The Trump campaign has wisely incorporated this fear into the electoral gestalt. On the stump, the former president speaks about how “It’s not me they’re after, it’s you. I’m just standing in the way.” In speeches, amidst all the recollections about Trump’s accomplishments while in office, and prognostications about Making American Great Again, exists a subtext of fear that nothing this political movement can do will be enough to stop those who exhausted every means to stop Trump in 2020, and will do so again. Though they’ll profess their willingness to go down fighting for the Stars and Stripes, in the minds of millions of Trump voters this fear amounts to a belief that without a Trump victory in 2024, the left will have taken an incontrovertible leap toward their ultimate goal of a one-party United States. When all that’s left in the wake of Trump’s defeat are Democrats and globalist Republicans, they’ll be men and women without a country.

Word comes from the Department of Justice determines that if the Florida judge who’ll hear the Trump documents case, chosen by lottery, proves too open to exculpatory testimony, in other words, fair to Trump, they plan to pile on dozens of additional charges, and seek a change of venue. Questions float: Can he be sworn in and take office from prison? HBO’s Bill Maher, in a podcast episode with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “[Prison] could help him.”

Evidence of how dead-set against Trump 47 the bureaucratic and office-holding left is, and how indefatigable their plots to remove him demonstrate what’s at stake for them. Cornered by the reality that Trump will win the nomination and face the cognitively-challenged, allegedly corrupt Biden and his historically unpopular running mate in the general election, they’re perceived in the Trump supporters’ dark night of the soul as becoming even more dangerous in terms of what they might do. 


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