
Politics & Media
Aug 26, 2008, 01:42PM

College Dems Scheming In Denver

During the contentious primary season youth turnout was triple the 2004 levels, and college Democrats across the country are hoping to translate that enthusiasm into Barack Obama votes. Campus representatives congregating in Denver are attending training sessions in expectation of a big fall for Democrats. Here's some of their perspective on the election.

Although they were looking forward to meeting in Denver this week, the College Democrats of America have a bigger mission in mind: November.

"We're looking forward to mobilizing and training students to take back the necessary skills to lead successful college Democrat chapters and get ready for November 2008," CDA President Lauren Wolfe said.

Nearly 1,000 CDA members from 250 colleges around the country are congregating in Denver. They're attending seminars to equip them to better organize their college chapters, recruit new members and advance Democratic issues that are important to young voters.

Among one of the largest training sessions they attended during the Democratic Convention was concentrated on peer-to-peer contact in an effort to help students feel more comfortable reaching out and sharing their views with other students.

CDA is counting on this outreach method to be one of the most effective tools its local chapters can use to reach independent voters this fall, a group that both Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain are counting on to ensure victory.


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