
Politics & Media
May 13, 2008, 10:22AM

Clinton Supporter Questions Obama's Electability, But In Cartoon Form

It's been well-established that Obama has "borrowed" some language from Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, another charming black man whose campaign was managed by David Axelrod. Will Obama will from the same vulnerablities as Patrick has? This piece argues he will, and details what Republicans are doing to make sure of it.

""The theme of the Obama campaign, the seeming magic of “change,” is out of its owner’s playbook, and that would not be Obama.  That would be David Axelrod, who also ran the campaign of Deval Patrick (current Governor of Massachusetts).

In short we have a lot of hot air held in place by charisma and media fawning.

So far the pins tossed at the Obama Hot Air Balloon have pretty much bounced off.  But wait… The Republican attack machine is formidable and already in the sky. The Republican National Committee has a 1,000 page dossier on Obama, and operatives have reportedly been lurking around Chicago looking deeper into Obama’s past actions and his pals who helped push him up the political ladder.

And now anyone can play along with the Republicans.  An RNC ad just out that asks Obama questions, starting with concerns about his razor-thin experience.  Anyone can visit and add question that, we assume, will assist in planning the GOP assaults yet to come.  See at Net.GOP.com  Scary stuff.




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