
Politics & Media
Aug 04, 2008, 05:31AM

Change We Can Brolieve In

Political discussion can be pretty nerdy and lame. That alienates lots of dudes who care about universal health care, but also like to toss ping pong balls into plastic cups of warm beer on the weekend. Enter Brobama.org, a website started by college frat brothers that's turning Barack Obama's message into a bro-friendly translation.

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An image of Barack Obama grinning beneath a backwards hat and a pair of Wayfarers greets visitors to Brobama.org, a new Web site devoted to clarifying what the presidential candidate means to “the common bro.”

Brobama.org is the brainchild of Dartmouth College fraternity brethren and rising seniors Lee Cooper and Scott Henning. The pair were inspired to launch the site this summer, while working at political internships in Washington D.C. Cooper is a member of The Dartmouth staff.

“We had heard people use ‘Brobama’ around Dartmouth and elsewhere,” Cooper said. “So one day on the Metro home from work we decided it would be funny to expand upon the ‘Brobama’ concept in a more substantive way.”

The site is essentially a sieve, translating important political news into “bro” colloquialisms.

Take the recent scandal over The New Yorker’s ill-received Obama cover-art, for example. Brobama.org summed up the entire commotion in 42 words, under the headline “Dudes need to chill.”

In a post titled “McCain Has No Brogramming Skills,” about the recent revelation that John McCain considers himself computer “illiterate,” the bros behind Brobama.org come to the heart of the issue.

In explaining what this gaffe of the McCain campaign means for their target audience, they write: “Computers aren’t just for nerds these days. They can help a good bro communicate better.”

  • You'd have to be militantly and intellectually anti-political, or have an i.q. of a humming bird to "otherwise not interested" in the 2008 campaign. Not a bad summer/fall project for the fellows, but let's call it what it is: well-meaning opportunism.

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