
Nov 09, 2015, 09:51AM

Splice Presents: Height Zone World Ep. 66 - Darsombra

A joint podcast from Splice Today and Height.

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My guests this week are Ann Everton and Brian Daniloski of Darsombra. They’re an audio/visual rock duo from Baltimore. Ann and I are old pals, and I was delighted to get a chance to catch up with them.

Brian tells me about his early days with Baltimore’s Meatjack, and explains how that led to him starting Darsombra as a one man band. Ann talks about being a graffiti writer, and going from graffiti to video work. They explain how they began collaborating and doing Darsombra as a duo. I ask them about their recently completed 111-city tour, and their unique approach to touring.

Mike Riley’s art this week is an homage to Rammellzee and Shockdell’s Death Command.


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