
Aug 15, 2008, 05:35AM

Lost Sounds

Presenting Mississippi Records, home to obscure music and (slightly) less obscure release methods.

Msrecords.jpg?ixlib=rails 2.1


  • for a larger version of the text thats easier to read: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_43SHcJk76Mw/SKXBENYFXLI/AAAAAAAAAro/N5SMqlRr3Io/s1600-h/sc006b38d9.jpg

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  • errr.... heres the right link: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_43SHcJk76Mw/SKXBENYFXLI/AAAAAAAAAro/N5SMqlRr3Io/s1600-h/sc006b38d9.jpg

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  • ahhhhh, just go here: http://ricothedonkey.blogspot.com/

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  • This was a real service, Lloyd. I just put in an order for "'70s Thai Orchestra Music" and "Life is a Problem." I don't get how a place like this can stay in business, with Amazon and other corporate entities at everyone's disposal, but that's a curiosity that doesn't need to be scratched.

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  • Can't say I like the new format too much myself, and I also don't quite get the new fascination with Vinyl. I just buy CD's, mainly because they can fit in my computer, but good article all in all.

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