
Jun 02, 2009, 12:54PM

Twitter is sexist

90% of tweets come from 10% of users, predominantly men.

We’re having a controversy, um, I mean conversation, about this on Sphinn: Friends on Twitter = No Life?” Feel free to chime in with your thoughts. (It’s all in fun, mind you.)
Brian Carter, one of my search marketing friends with whom I’m “debating,” has more than 800 friends on Twitter. Why? Listen to Brian Carter’s Twitter audio. He describes Twitter to the audience and how one can “follow” others and share status and messages. The biggest question they keep asking is “Why?” So Brian, please answer…Why? Do you have >800 friends in real life?
Brian’s vast online Twitter friendships prompted me to wonder, “Is Twitter the ideal conversational environment for men?” What do you think?
Anyone know of any statistics on the percentage of men on Twitter versus women?
Why do I (jokingly) think more men are talking with few words but many tweets on Twitter? Look at the stats, Twitter Topic Stream. None of the top conversations are about Nordstrom’s, shopping, shoes, diet, beauty or Botox.
So, men must be the ones causing Twitter to be “Over Capacity.” Shown right is a StreamGraph of the Top Twitter Users. The top users are MEN!! Thus, this non-double-blind study concludes:
• Gabby men are taking Twitter down.
• Gabby men are doing well with 140 characters to get their message across.
• Twitter is biased toward men

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