
Apr 01, 2008, 07:44AM

Phoenix Wright: Ace Scatman

A cartoon video game remixed to Scatman John's 1994 international smash "Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop)".

The following video was included in this article:
The following video was included in this article:

Phoenix Wright is a niche video game, based on the Japanese legal system, where characters take turns arguing cases by doing things like presenting evidence and making arguments. Thus the hilarity of a cartoon courtroom exchange where one of the lawyers busts out with "Scatman," and is then stabbed.

For extra credit, check out the original "Scatman" and think about how strange the production meetings must have been. This video is either a very clever head start on what 1984-style mind control will be, or a case study in what a debilitating lack of aethetic sense is.





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