
Nov 25, 2008, 07:58AM

Health Care Hurdle: Cyberchondria

Wikipedia and WebMD are exacerbating medical dilemmas as much as they are helping.

Just set up a frickin' appointment:

But thinking you're about to die isn't all fun and games. Microsoft's work on cyberchondria shows how easy Internet access to medical information can really affect people. The company has just published a report on its large-scale, longitudinal, log-based study of how people search for medical information based on a 40 million page anonymized sample, combined with a survey of over 500 Microsoft employees about their own health-search experiences.

The results are much as you might expect. People like to use the Internet to better understand their symptoms, but they often find themselves digging deep into WebMD or Wikipedia before discovering—to their horror—that the tiny rash they thought they had is actually a rare skin disease that could (and likely will) kill them tomorrow.


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