
Dec 12, 2008, 11:18AM

Adventures in Overshare

The first in an ongoing series documenting people's unfortunate misuse of photo-sharing.

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Dispatches from opposite levels of the societal spectrum in this edition of Adventures in Overshare. First, from the People Who Should Probably Know Better file, 27-year-old Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau (not the guy who plays the saddest bastard alive in Swingers). This unfortunate party pic speaks for itself:


That's the Change Campaign wunderkind on the left, copping the feel.

Then, from the Not Sure Whether To Laugh Or Cry file, the three Anderson, CA teenage KFC employees who really know how to party when the boss goes home:


The "industrial steel/frying instructions" background really captures the carefree romance and whimsy of youth.

Favreau still holds his job; the chicken bathers were fired.


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