
Mar 24, 2009, 09:38AM

Tax that fat

Would you pay an additional tax on unhealthy food?

The author would:

If an idividual makes the choice to purchase trans fat, cup cakes, and chips in lieu of fruits, veggies, and grains- why should their consequent health problems come out of tax dollars?  It makes sense that one would suggest a ‘fat tax‘: a percentage of cost taxed onto items that are catagorized as ’unhealthy’ and ultimately detrimental to health when consumed as a part of the daily diet.  This is somewhat unrealistic, however, in the grand scheme of things it could be a nice new government piggie bank to throw towards the health cost of those without diet control. Would you add 1-2 percent to build health care and, hopefully, deter the people with weight and diet control problems from purchasing these foods?


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