
Apr 20, 2009, 09:46AM

"An alcohol bath to the limbs brought sleep for an hour..."

Before President McKinley died, doctors delivered an enema consisting of egg, whiskey and water. Huh...

On the fourth day, Sept. 9th, codeia phos. was injected (hypodermically) inducing an hour's sleep at 7:10 a. m. after which the patient's mind was clear, and he drank small quantities of water frequently. The bulletin issued at 9:20 stated his condition to be growing more and more satisfactory. Beginning at 10 o'clock calomel was administered every hour. Food was given in the shape of an enema of egg, whiskey and water. At 3 p. m. the patient was resting comfortably, free from pain and unfavorable symptoms, bowels and kidneys having their natural functions. The wound was redressed at 4:20 p. m. At 5:50 a greenish bitter fluid was thrown up and at 6:20 hot water was given.


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